Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wednesday, 12/15

A couple of years ago, we ran a commercial that asked a very timely question--

What would you rather have this time of the year, more time or more money? I’ve always agreed with the answer the commercial gave, perhaps no more so than this year.

I would MUCH rather have the extra time!

That’s become OH so apparent the last week or so as I’ve I tried to cram in the thought of cookie baking, shopping, visiting family & friends, more baking, more shopping, shooting six (!) episodes of a TV show, preparing for a Kaufman show, and a few non-essential items like eating and sleeping (and working) in each 24-hour day. As I realized last night while lying in bed unable to sleep, the time for all of that is rapidly running out.

After all these years, you’d think we’d figure out how to budget time around the holidays, but it never seems to work. Every year, things seem to get added onto our schedule, and what we may have been able to accomplish before the holidays LAST year now mocks us as we cry while looking over our “to-do” lists.

I’ve taken to adding something onto my Christmas list every year. For the past 20 or so years, when anyone asks what I want for the holidays, I’ll list a couple of things I think people will want to get me, and then a couple of other fanciful items that I’d like but I know I’ll never get, which usually consist of world peace and my own spaceship. Since 2005 (I think) I’ve added a third item--a 25th hour in the day.

Well, a boy can dream, can’t he? And while I have, in various forms, received “world peace” and “my own spaceship” over the past few years (on T-shirts, toys, and trinkets) Santa has yet to slip that extra hour per day into my stocking.

If you happen to visit Santa before next Friday night, wanna drop a hint or two for me? I’d sure appreciate it!


Speaking of not having enough time, if you don’t have enough time (or gas) to drive around and look at Christmas lights, try THIS.

You can thank me later!!


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