Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday, 12/28

Survive the holidaze okay?

I did myself, thank you very much for asking. I was actually able to enjoy a very rare three and a half day weekend, and at one point Monday morning actually realized that I had an hour and a half with absolutely nothing to do. As far as I can tell, that was the first time in months where I had an hour and a half with absolutely nothing to do, so for the first 10 or so minutes of that hour and a half, I just sat around, stunned by the fact. Then when I realized the clock was ticking and I’d better enjoy that hour and a half, I did by heading over to the Fit Strip and going skiing until I couldn't ski any more.

It was, in fact, one of my favorite gifts of the weekend!

Other than that, I’m guessing my holiday weekend was pretty much like yours. I spent some very enjoyable time with Loraine, did virtual visits with family members, I ate waaaaaaaay too much, and I was able to take care of all kinds of crap around my apartment that hadn’t been taken care of over the past month. Oh, and , if I have to say so myself, I think I'm starting to get a little better (not much, but a little) at making Pastitsio for Christmas--

All in all, a win-win weekend!

There were, I have to admit, a few very strange things that happened this weekend, and I'll talk about them over the next few days. Christmas Eve provided us with quite a shock when we arrived at Park Cemetery to put flowers on Leo Robinson's grave (the guy I wrote the blog about who we visit every year) and discovered that we had been beaten to visiting him!

We have no idea who did this, but we're very happy someone decided to mark the day. We do know that they were at the cemetery no more than half an hour before we were (based on the rather large footprints still quite visible in the falling snow), but that's about it.

But whoever you were--thanks a bunch. It was nice to see the area all decorated for the big day!


Now I know for some of you, the weekend’s actually an 11 or 12-day break from reality, but not for all of us. No, some of us have to go back to work today. In fact, some of us actually have work extra this week because it's a short week sandwiched between other short weeks. But that's okay; I'll think of all the work I'm doing now when I'm spending a summer half-day playing at the beach.

And trust me—I'd much rather be stuck working between Christmas and New Year's Day than be stuck at work when it's warm and the sun is out!

Tomorrow...another story from the holiday weekend, this one about how I inadvertently carried on a family tradition.

I'm still wincing in pain because of it.


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