Friday, December 31, 2021

Friday, 12/31

Boy, was I wrong.

I remember writing a blog a year ago about how I hoped 2021 would be better than 2020. That we'd finally kick this stupid pandemic, that people would start caring about each other, and that things would start to return to normal.

If that's not a 3-pitch strikeout, I don't know what is.

Since I was so spectacularly wrong last year I'm not even going to make a prediction about the upcoming year. I have hope, but I also read the news. I know what people are like these days. So instead of wishing that we'll have a perfect world in 2022. I'll just concentrate on the small things, on things that either I control or on things which outside forces don't have much control.

Like what? Well, I’m looking forward to a nice warm to hot actual summer this upcoming year. I’m looking forward to dreaming about going back to Europe some decade. I'm looking forward to wrapping up the latest season of the TV show I host, and seeing what the next one holds. I’m looking forward to leading hundreds of people along the streets of Marquette for the History Center tours this summer, and I'm really looking forward to seeing if we can make through the Kaufman show in a month without having to do it virtually. I’m looking forward to playing soccer outside in the warm sun with Loraine. I'm looking forward to actually being able to hang out with family and friends safely. I'm looking forward to voting a few times. And I'm also looking forward to a something I haven't even considered yet. I don't know what that something is, but every year there's something new.

And I'm looking forward to that, too. Maybe this year it'll actually be something that everyone enjoys. After all, a boy can dream, right?

On that note, have a happy New Year. I have Monday off, so back with something new Tuesday!


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