Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tuesday, 12/21

That's not even the strangest of the flavor combinations. Trust me on that.

Yesterday I was talking about the Christmas cookies I made over the weekend, and someone had expressed...interest, I guess, in one of them, the lemon-rosemary cookies. I know; they're not two flavors that you'd think of putting together, especially in cookies.

But trust me. They work amazingly well together. They really do.

That got me to thinking--which, as we all know, can be a very dangerous thing—about some of the other strange cookie flavor combinations I've tried over the years. Some have worked, some haven't, and some have become Jim staples. We're talking things like--

Double chocolate with red pepper flakes.

Whole wheat chocolate chip cookies

Triple chocolate with crystallized ginger cookies

Blackberry cinnamon cookies

Lavender sugar cookies

Honey Sage sugar cookies

Maple pecan bacon cookies.

And others.

Like I said, not all of them were successful, but several (like the whole wheat chocolate chip and the lavender sugar cookies) have become staples. Sometimes I just like to experiment; sometimes I'll eat a combination in a non-cookie setting and wonder how they'd work together a cookie.

So I find out.

The one thing I've wanted to try in a cookie but haven't yet found the perfect partner for is (and try not to gag here) curry powder. I love curry; whether or not it would work in a cookie has yet to be explored. But if I ever think of a way in which it might work, you can be sure that I'll give it a shot. I have no idea what the end result would be like, but I promise to give it a shot.

And, if that's the case, we'll see if they're as good as the lemon-rosemary cookies I made this past weekend!


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