Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday, 12/10

I wonder if it would help at all?

I received a note yesterday about my Charlie Brown Christmas tree from a blog reader (she thought it cute), and one of the things she mentioned is that while her mom is from the Copper Country, and while she's been there several times she herself has never set foot in Marquette except driving through town on the bypass.

And that got me to thinking...which, as we all know, can be a dangerous thing.

There are probably a lot of people like April who read these on a daily basis but who have rarely (or never) set foot in Marquette. But because I write about the city so often, and share so many pictures throughout the year, I started to wonder—could someone who reads these on a regular basis actually visit the city and, because they've read these blogs, know what's going on, who all the important players are, or know where they need to go?

I mean, think about it. I write about everything that Marquette has, every place we seem to go, and all of the weird things that seem to pop up. You'd think that would provide a little background info for people who've never been here, right? I mean, at the very least, those people would know what months to visit for beach weather, where to go for interesting food, and what's being built, and why. So could someone who's never been here, but has read these ramblings (and, perhaps, the ramblings of others from the area), get plopped into, say, Lower Harbor Park and hit the ground with their feet running?

That's what I'd be curious about.

One of the reasons I wonder is that I read a lot of blogs and Facebook posts from places we've been (if even for an hour) and I can visualize what the writers from those areas are talking about. But those are areas where, at the very least, I've set foot. Could one person write enough stuff about one area so that if I were to pop in unannounced, I'd know the lay of the land, or at the very least who to ask? Like I said, I'd be curious.

Of course, if any of you who read these and who've never been in Marquette actually find yourself in our fair city, I hope you'd let me know. I mean, not only would I be curious to know if reading these things actually prompted you to come here, but if that were the case, I know a dork who'd love to show you all the stuff he's been writing about all these years.


On that note, have yourself a great weekend. Keep your fingers crossed we don't get the snow everyone's panicking about!


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