Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Wednesday, 6/23

 I honestly thought there would have been a bigger “kaboom”.

Yesterday was the day the remaining Covid restrictions were lifted in Michigan. Fifteen months after all this insanity started masks are no longer required, social distancing rules are tossed, and restaurants & bars can open again to full capacity. You'd think that a return to “normal” would've been cause for celebration, but you know what I noticed about it yesterday?

Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

In all honesty, I don't know what I was expecting. I knew we weren't going to get a V-E day style celebration with people dancing & kissing in the streets. But I also didn't think things would be like they were Monday or any of the 400+ days before that. For instance, I got up, went to work, didn't see or talk to anyone until I left work, went home, spent time with Loraine, and eventually went to bed.

In other words, the exact same thing I've been doing for 15 months.

Don't get me wrong; I am INSANELY glad this day has finally arrived. It's the reason I wore a mask and socially distanced and got stuck in the arm twice. It's something to which I've looked forward since March of last year. I just figured that when this day did finally arrive there would be...I dunno, fireworks or shouting from the rooftops or something. I don't know why I thought that; obviously, what I thought was wrong. But with the way people have complained and criticized their way through the pandemic I just thought there would have been something, anything, as a celebration.

Oh well.

Maybe it's a good thing, though. Maybe this means we're sliding into “normalcy” like it was an old glove. Maybe we're just so glad the whole thing is over that we don't need to celebrate publicly. Maybe our celebration is just going back to doing what we did the way we used to do it, and that's enough.

I'm okay with that. I'm kind of surprised there weren't fireworks, but I'm okay with that.


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