Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday, 6/29

 I think I might have just broken my own record.

As I'm still waiting to see if I'll be giving a pop-up tour tomorrow night (see yesterday's entry if you're not quite sure to what I'm referring) I took care of another Marquette Regional History Center task that was due, and I do believe I did it faster than anything else I've done for them.

But then when it's writing a newspaper article about the history of radio in Marquette, you'd kind of expect me to be able to whip it out quickly, right?

It'll actually be in the Mining Journal tomorrow, so that's when I'll post it here, as well, for those of you not in the area or those of you who don't do the newspaper thing any more. And it's not an article that's self-serving or about the station where I work. In fact, the station where I work isn't mentioned in it at all. It's about the anniversary of the FIRST station in Marquette. I actually volunteered to write the article, and I've been running ideas for it through my mind since the beginning of the year.

That was probably a good thing, too, as I received a note saying they needed it right away. And that's probably the big reason why I was able to give it to them 20 minutes later.

Yup; it took me 20 minutes (actually, a little less) to give them a fully formed newspaper article. It's about twice the length of one of these, and seeing as how it often takes me more than 20 minutes to bang one of these out, I'm kind of surprised that I did it. But like I said, I've been running it in and out of my mind on occasion since I volunteered to write it in January, so I just had to get all those ideas out through my keyboard.

In fact, it took me almost as long to correct the typos as it did to write the article, but what did you expect, right?


Like I said, I'll post it tomorrow, when it's also in the Mining Journal. And who knows—by then, I might even know if I'm doing a tour or not. Like I mentioned yesterday, that decision isn't up to me.

That's one's up to Mother Nature.


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