Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday, 6/10

 Another one down, just fourteen more to go!

I've been joking in here since, oh, last year that the pandemic and the lack of travel opportunities has caused me to get this huge backlog of unused vacation days. Since, during a normal year, I use up a big chunk of those days on a trip to Europe and then the rest on warm, sunny half days at the beach. I've usually never had to think about using them all up. But now that it's been (gasp) 26 months since I've been able to travel anywhere, those days are starting to pile up.

Yes, I know, it's a first world problem. But it is a problem nonetheless.

Even with taking a day off every month so far this year, I still have 15 days left to use before my work anniversary rolls around on September 6th. Four of those days are set aside to go to Savannah in August, and another one gets used up tomorrow as I'm taking the day off to shoot video for my forthcoming “The Greasier The Spoon” documentary for the Marquette Regional History Center.

That's right. I'm taking a day off from one job so I can do stuff for my other “job”. That's what a typical person does, right?


That leaves me with ten days (or twenty half days) to use up before September 6th. If I was a normal person with a normal job that wouldn't be too much of a problem, but because I'm not a normal person with a normal job (and have to work ahead just to make sure I can take a day off) it'll be interesting to see if I can get them all used up by the end of the summer. Normally I'll wait to use them on a day when it's nice outside; however, I may have to drop being so picky if I wanna hit my goal.

We'll see how that turns out. And this whole thing has been, in a way, my way of telling you there won't be a new one of these tomorrow. I hope that's okay. However, in four or six or however many months it takes me to put together the ding-dang documentary, you'll see the end result of what happened on one of those days that I took off in an (hopefully not vain) attempt to use up all my vacation days.

Have a great weekend!


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