Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday, 7/9

Well, I couldn't do it.

I had a hair appointment scheduled last night, and as I wrote last week I was torn between letting my feathery and wavy Corona-hair keep growing, or get it cut off and return my head back to normal. For some strange reason, I've been fascinated by the increasing length of the stuff popping out of scalp, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it go quite yet.

That's why I still have it.

Oh sure, the ends are trimmed and it looks a little neater, but I still have my Corona-hair. What can I say? I guess I just enjoy being a lab experiment.

As of now, at least, I do have plan for when the experiment will end. I'm thinking of letting the Corona-hair grow until either Loraine and I go to France at the beginning of September, or, more likely, because Americans aren't allowed to go anywhere these days because we can't act like adults and wear masks, right before I start shooting “High School Bowl” for the season in late September.

Either way, I'll still have the Corona-hair for a while longer.

I'm shooting some on-camera stuff for that “Third Street: Day & Night” video this weekend, which means that everyone who pays to watch it will see a host with some wild hair. Recently trimmed wild hair, mind you, but wild hair nonetheless. And if that's not worth the $5 or whatever it is they'll be charging to watch it, I don't know what is.

Hopefully, it won't scare anyone off.

That's the deal with my hair, at least for now, in case you were so bored by the world in 2020 that you were dying to know. We now return you to matters much more pressing and important.

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