Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday, 7/24

Four months has gone by in the blink of an eye.

I didn't even realize it until I had to look something up, but yesterday (the 23rd) marked the four month anniversary of me working alone at the station. We managed to hold on as a workplace for a week or so after all the stay-at-home orders and business closings started, but a week after that—four months ago yesterday—everyone else started working from home and I was the designated survivor.

Or the designated sacrificial lamb, depending upon your point of view.

It's funny, because the past four months have kind of hearkened back to those days when I was starting in radio, back when I was still in school in the (gulp) 80s. Back then, because I was new and because radio still had people working those hours, I worked overnights. Being a natural night owl, it didn't bother me, and that was how you paid your dues back then. So it's not like I', not used to it.

I did it each and every day (er, night) at my first job.

As I've mentioned in here before, there are definitely upsides to working alone for four months. I can get so much done with I'm not interrupted, which is a good thing these days, as I'm doing 22 instead of my usual 16 jobs. I can do what I want when I want, and not have to worry about people pulling my attention in nine different directions.

And that's the good thing.,

Of course, if there's a good thing, there has to be a bad thing, right? Well, I sometimes miss being in contact with people—my co-workers, listeners to stop by to pick up prizes, and people who come in to cut commercials and PSAs. Hardly any of those happen much any more. In fact, there are days when for nine hours the only time I talk or interact with someone is when I go on the air and take a phone call.

That's just a little weird.

I have no idea how long this is going to go on. It could be another four months. Heck, it could be until my career in radio is done and/or I've found a different job. I have no idea. All I know is that there's is no way it's been four months since I've started doing it. I know calendars don't lie, but still...

It seems like they're pretty good at stretching the truth.

Have a great weekend!

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