Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday, 1/9

I can actually watch the Super Bowl again this year, should I so wish.

If you've been reading these for a long time (and on a side note, thanks, if that's the case), you know of my loathing of a certain NFL and a certain quarterback for said NFL team. Tom Brady & the New England Patriots have caused a lot of heartache for this Colts fan over the years, and whenever the team made it to the Super Bowl (which has been way too often, like the past two years) I've had to forego the game and the commercials and the hype, lest I be driven insane by the fact that the stupid team was about to win another championship.

But this year? I'm in the clear.

When I woke up this past Sunday morning and saw that the Patriots had been defeated—at home, no less—by Tennessee, I had to smile & show the score to Loraine, who knows only too well the angst the team has caused me. In fact, it was she who suggested a couple of years ago that we not watch the game and watch “Star Wars” movies instead, which turned out to be a great idea even though the Patriots lost that particular game.

At least I didn't have to spend four hours wondering if they WOULD win it.

Now I don't have to worry about even that. This year, should I choose, I could watch the game and cheer for Baltimore or San Francisco or Kansas City or whichever team seems to be the most interesting or the most fun. About the only team I couldn't bring myself to cheer for, should they make it, would be the Packers, if only because my dad raised my as a Lions fans and booing the Packers comes along with the territory.

Or, should I so desire, I could just not watch the game at all, DVR'ing it like I did the past few years. Until you don't actually watch it live, until you see the game with the ability to scan through the boring parts, do you realize just how many boring parts there are in a Super Bowl. There are moments in a regular NFL game that are slow & unnecessary; there must be at least twice that number in a Super Bowl. In fact, if I were to guess (and this is even with viewing the commercials) you could watch the four hour game in an hour and a half or two hours, tops. That's how many replays, stoppages, and boring parts there are to the game.

I don't know what I'm gonna do yet this year; I still have two and a half weeks and six teams waiting to be eliminated before I decide. But either way, I know that I'll be happy with the end result.

Because the New England Patriots won't be anywhere in sight.

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