Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thursday, 8/8

It's weird. I will admit that.

This week's I've had several people ask if it's strange not getting ready to head to Europe in a few weeks. And it is—every August for the past 12 Augusts has been a prep period for getting ready to go on vacation, which meant everything from hauling the luggage out of the basement to having to pay attention to Loraine when she tells me not to break my arm, if only because she doesn't wanna be the one to drive around France or Germany.

It's strange going into August and not having to worry about little things like that.

But in a way it's liberating, too. Instead of hunkering down and spending most of August actually having to work to get ready to go, I can now take as many half-days as I want. Heck, if I was daring I could probably (gasp) even take a full day off. That's how liberating it is. I don't know if I'm going to, but I have the option should I so choose.

And that's kind of unique.

With the way my “Summer of History ™” is going, that's a good thing. Instead of trying to put together both a walking tour and a bunch of stories about drunks before we go, now I can just do it at my leisure and not worry about the time crunch. Of course, knowing my habits, I'll keep procrastinating about it and eventually end up having to deal with a time crunch, but at least it won't have anything to do with getting ready to go to Europe.


I'm enjoying it while I can, because as I explain to everyone who asks if it's weird not getting ready to go to Europe, this is a unique year. And it's leading into what could be another unique year next year, if only because (and I don't know if I've even mentioned this yet) we're thinking of making TWO trips over—one in April for another Bundesliga match, and then the usual late summer jaunt, this time back to Normandy, where we actually haven't set foot in four years. So, if things go as planned next year, not only will I be back in my usual summer routine, I'll get to see if this year's spring routine works out again.

That's next year, though. For now, I'm just enjoying a summer without having to get ready to go anywhere. It feels...weird, but I'm enjoying it.

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