Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, 3/28

Well, it took an extra day, but we finally have the tickets.

Greetings from the wrong side of 5 a.m., a time at which I have woken up the past two days. Don't worry; I haven't gone insane and/or become an insomniac. I've woken up at 5 a.m the past two days because that's when it's 10 a.m in Germany and that's the time that the tickets for the soccer match we're planning on attending in a few weeks went on sale.

I hope Timo Werner and Willie Orban and the rest of the team appreciates the sacrifices we're making.


As you may recall, yesterday was supposed to be the day we got our tickets. Like the good troopers we are we woke up at 5am, turned on the computer, and tried to buy them. However, due to either a miscommunication on the part of someone in Leipzig or a misunderstanding on my part (or, most likely, both) we weren't among the group allowed to purchased them ahead of time. That means Loraine had to set her alarm for the most ungodly hour of the day yet again, and for the second day in a row we stumbled around like zombies trying to figure out what we needed to do and where we needed to go.

At least this time we were allowed to buy them. The tickets for April 27th are ours.

That means everything is now set for our departure in a little under four weeks. Well, I should say, everything as far as tickets and paperwork and reservations are set for our departure in a little under four weeks. There's still the matter of pulling all the little things together and packing and (ugh) jury duty to worry about. We also realized that we need a ride to and from the airport, seeing as how our usual chauffeurs (hi, mom & dad!) will still be in Florida when we're gone.

But all that can be taken care of. We have the tickets. That's the important thing. Anything else after this is gravy, to mangle a phrase. I'm happy, Loraine's relieved, and we're getting excited about visiting Berlin, Leipzig, and the game day action at Red Bull Arena.

Now, I just need to figure out how to function after two mornings of waking up at 5 a.m. Wish me luck.

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