Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thursday, 2/29

Welcome to your extra day.

I never actually know what to do with a leap day; normally, it's just another day in a never-ending string of days. But for some reason—and I have no idea why—it seems like this year we should mark the leap day with something big. I have no idea what that should be; I just know that it should be something big. And it should not be the way most of the world marked the last time we had a leap day, back in 2020.

You know...when Covid was beginning its assault on the planet.

Hopefully, if you do something “big” to mark the whole day, it won't be so big as to unleash a virus and shut down the lives of billions of people. Because, and this just may be me, I think we've all had enough of that for a lifetime.

Am I right?



I should also mention that a miracle occurred yesterday—we actually had our first Snow Day of the year. Yup; every single school was closed, although the amount of snow we received was, well, negligible--

They were probably closed for two reasons, the most important being that early yesterday morning the wind was blowing the snow around so much you couldn't see. And the second?

Well, we haven't had any snow days yet this year. So, you know, why not?


One more fun fact from yesterday, too. It was a LOT colder than it was Tuesday. At the National Weather Service in Negaunee Tuesday's high was 59. Not too long afterward, the temperature got down to 7. In 11 hours, it dropped 52 degrees.

This has been a weird weather year. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.


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