Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday, 4/25

After all these years, I still don't like it.

I used a picture on last night's “Life in the 906” that had my TV co-workers laughing. Specifically... this picture--

It was used during my bit on how Yoopers love their camps, and how even I, during my youth, didn't mind heading out to Big Shag Lake, where I spent many summer weekends despite the lack of indoor plumbing. That, however, was not what made my co-workers laugh. What made them laugh was the typically “surly teenager” attitude I was showing in the picture, and I had to disappoint them by saying that it WASN'T attitude that came through in the shot.

Instead, I believe, it was taken before noon...way before I was ready to wake up.

I've written in here many times about how I'm not a morning person. I never have been, and I never will. As I've gotten older I've learned little tricks to work around the fact that I simply don't function before a certain time. I'm pretty sure, though, that I did NOT know those tricks 40 or so years ago when that picture was taken.

So any attitude that comes through in that picture is simply due to the fact that I wasn't yet awake.

Seeing as how it was 4+ decades ago I have no certain idea if that's the actual reason behind my surliness. It is, however, an educated guess and, I believe, a good one. Even today, when I first wake up, I just sit in a chair and stare at the wall while trying to get my bearings. I can't do anything else. I just don't have it in me. And while I've tried to get better at it (after all, 20 weeks a year I shoot a TV show at 9 am), there are days when it simply doesn't happen. And I have no reason to think that, at my (ahem) advanced age, that it will EVER happen.

I'm just not a morning person.

So if you ever see a picture of me being, you know, “surly”, just realize that how matter how old it is—no matter if it's me as a teenager or me as an adult—it was probably taken before noon, the time before which I really don't function.

We all have our own personal demons. That one is mine.



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