Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday, 4/21

Wanna know why today's a rather big day around the Koski apartment?

It's our anniversary.

Yup; Loraine and I have now been married four or five years, give or take a few (dozen). In fact, on a MUCH nicer spring day than today, during that mythical time known as “the 20th century”, we stood on the steps of the Marquette County Courthouse and jumped feet first into that very strange state of living called “marriage”. And in the years since we seem to have defied all odds and at least a handful of expectations. Somehow, in our little universe of friends, we’ve managed to become the one couple that a). got married and 2). stayed married, proving once again that we somehow manage to be “normal” while in no way actually being “normal”.

It’s a gift, that power of ours.

I sometimes wonder if that’s actually the secret to whatever relationship success we’ve had. . .the fact that we don’t try to be “normal”. We’re just “us”, for better or worse. We don’t do or buy a lot of the things that “normal” couples do or buy. We live a lifestyle and have hobbies that, while unique to some people, seem to fit us perfectly. We’re comfortable with who we are as people, and our personalities are different enough so that we compliment each other quite well. For instance, Loraine’s organized, and I’m, uhm, not. Loraine can be serious and quiet, while I’m, uhm, not. And Loraine’s uncomfortable in heat while I’m, uhm, not. But that seems to work for us; add in the fact that we agree on the big things, and I think that might be the foundation for us staying married for those four or five years, give or take a few (dozen).

So happy anniversary, Loraine. I don't think there's anyone else with whom I'd rather have spent those (ahem) four or five years!!



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