Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday, 4/28 talk about how much money I save by walking to work each and every day, if only because it's raining outside for the second day in a row and these are the days that walking to work isn't the greatest (or driest) thing in the world.


Instead, how about a gag I didn't get to use on TV this week? You see, when write my “Life in the 906”s each and every week they're invariably long, and I have to cut a bunch of stuff out. Recently, I found that I've been removing a lot of gags from the script, if only because, while they're funny, they really don't add to what I'm trying to say.

That's right. I'm removing jokes for the sake of making a point. I may actually be turning into an adult after all these years.

Anyway, the topic was camps and how Yoopers love them, and the line I cut referred to how that love was just carrying on the tradition of European nobles, who would escape to their “camps” every summer to get away from, you know, royal-ing. While talking about their “camps” I was then going to have this picture (of an actual summer castle, by the way) pop up--

Yes, the gag would have been goofy (and historically accurate), but it didn't add anything to the local aspect of the piece, and by removing it I then only had to cut an additional 20 seconds of copy (as opposed to the 40 if I had left it in). When I started doing these seven months ago, if you had told me that the things I'd be cutting from the pieces were some of the gags, I would have looked at you like a German peasant looking at the castle pictured above, and wondering just how crazy you were.

But you know what? You would have been right. I mean, I know the past few years have been strange, but so strange that I start cutting gags out of what I write?  It really IS a topsy-turvy world these days.

On that note, have a great weekend!

(, hopefully not turning into an adult TOO much...

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