Thursday, April 20, 2023

Thursday, 4/20

As always, I'm shocked at how it happens. Or that it even happens at all.

Every so often I get people asking me where I come up with all my ideas, either for this thing you're reading or the weekly “Life in the 906” thing I do for TV 19. And I have to admit—I have no idea. I mean, sometimes I'll see something or hear about something that I think might make a worthy entry, but other times?

The ideas seem to pop out of nowhere. I mean, literally—they pop out of nowhere.

I do my TV things on Monday night, and then try not to think about the next one at all for a few days. I need to figure out what I'm doing by Friday so that they know what to promote, and then write them over the weekend for Monday. So according to my schedule, last night the next “906” should have been the further thing from my mind. Well, someone might want to tell my brain that, because I woke up around 3 this morning with an idea fully formed in my head, including a large majority of the script just floating around in there, waiting to be written down.

So at 3 in the morning, I did just that. It took less than 10 minutes to spill out of my brain, and it's (mostly) ready to go. I have no idea where it came from or why it popped up while I was sleeping. All I know is that it was there, and I have next week's TV spot out of it.

Oh, and this blog, too. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.

Seriously; sometimes the creative process astounds me. There are times when I can work and work and work on an idea and it never seems to come out the way I want. And then there are times when I go to sleep and wake up a few hours later with every single word already laid out in my brain. It makes no logical sense, but then I guess that's not a surprise. Creativity isn't logical. It's, well, creative. It seems like it's conjured out of the ether. No matter how hard you try—and trust me, I've tried—you can't turn it on like a faucet. You have to wait for it to come to you.

Even if it comes to you at 3 in the morning.

You can see the end result of what came out of my brain next Monday night. I now, thanks to my little nocturnal epiphany last night, have some extra time this weekend when I won't have to write the “906”. So maybe just maybe, I can use that time to ponder where these ideas come from.

Because I myself have absolutely no clue.


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