Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, 12/18

Well, at least the cookies are done.

I've mentioned in here about how I've yet to accomplish basically anything to do with Christmas. I mentioned that I had hoped to tackle a big chunk of it this weekend, and you know what? I did. I baked 31 dozen cookies.

Why yes, I do wonder about my sanity, just like you do!

It did turn out to be a two and a half day process, Friday night & Saturday at our place and Sunday at my parents. And if I'm gonna be totally honest I'm not completely done yet. There are still a few cookies that need to get frosted. But they're baked and (for the most part) ready to go. And that's what counts.

Speaking of counting, I have this bad habit every year of trying to figure out how many calories I'm inflicting on friends and family by baking (in this case) 31 dozen cookies. So let's do a little math, shall we? If I baked 31 dozen cookies, that's 372 cookies. I'm gonna guess here, based on the different kinds of cookies I made, that each cookie contains 110 calories. That might be slightly higher than average for a cookie, but I make a couple of kinds (like my Grandma Cookie) that has some high-calorie stuff in it. So if I made 372 cookies at 110 calories each, that's 40,920 calories.

For that, I apologize in advance.

Let's see...if it takes 3,500 calories to gain a pound, I'm gonna be personally responsible for family and friends gaining a net total of 11 and two thirds pounds. While I generally think of myself as a thoughtful and kind person, one not prone to evil impulses, I take a look at that 40,920 calorie figure and wonder if, somehow, I've gone over to the Dark Side and don't even realize it.


And I don't help things, either. I may make 372 cookies, but I probably only eat a dozen or so of them (at most) myself. As I mentioned, most of them are given away. After making that many cookies, I'm really not that hungry for them. It may seem weird, especially because I love baking cookies, but after all that work, I just don't feeling like eating them.

I can't explain it. That's just how it goes.

But at least the cookies are done, and the pounds are waiting to be gained. Now all I have to do is wrap my gifts and stick them under the tree. Once, of course, I head down into the basement and actually get the tree. But I'll get it done. Honest...I'll get it done!


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