Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday, 3/21

I guess we really HAVE been spoiled so far this year.

I've written in here quite a bit about the mild winter we've had. It really hasn't been cold at all, we're only at about 40% of our usual snowfall, and even though Spring technically started a few days ago it seems like it's been Spring since, oh, Thanksgiving. So when we actually do get a little winter-like weather, which we have on occasion, we whine.

A lot.

Here's what it looked like outside yesterday--

Yeah, I know. There was an inch or so of snow and a cold north wind, both of which occur quite often as we head into the latter part of March. But because we've had such a mild winter it now seems as if we feel we're entitled to nice weather. So when we get “normal” late-March conditions, like we did yesterday (and should again today) we complain that it's cold and it's wet and it's yucky in general.

Amazing how quickly you can get spoiled, huh?

Now, if this was late April (or, heaven forbid, late May) I could see the reason for the complaining. In fact, I would probably lead the masses in that complaining. But even I realize that it's still March, and in many Marches if we had a day like we had yesterday we'd look at it as a sign Spring was on the way because we ONLY had an inch of snow and temperatures were up to (gasp) the 20s.

But not in the “winter” of 2024.

The way things have been going this year I'm guessing we'll soon be back to the sunny skies and, I dunno, temperatures in the 90s by next week. Honestly, in 2024, nothing would surprise me. But even if the more seasonal weather sticks around, we probably shouldn't complain about things being “normal” too much.

After all, as we all know, it could be a whole lot worse.


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