Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tuesday, 5/9

Maybe it wasn't the best song to sing along to in the grocery store. But, in my defense, maybe it wasn't the best song to play in a grocery store, either.

I was at a local grocery store Saturday, doing what all Americans do. Actually, I was doing two things all Americans do—shopping for food, and singing along with the music they were piping over the speakers. It was a good selection, too...mostly current hits with a few oldies stuck in here and there.

It fact, it sounded very much like this very radio station. So it's probably not a surprise I was singing along..

Even if the song was Jax's “Victoria's Secret”.

If you haven't heard the song yet, it's a cheery and very pointed little ditty about the prominent lingerie chain and the horrid effects it can have on the body image of women who don't look like their models (in other words, 99.9999999% of all women). It makes a fantastic point, all wrapped up in an earworm of a chorus that says, and I'm quoting directly here, “selling skin & bones & big boobs”, with the last word in that sentence stretched out over a gloriously long measure of music.

So I'm pretty sure you can guess which part I was singing out loud in the grocery store. Yup; sometimes, I amaze even myself. And usually not in a good way.

Of course, what makes it even better is what usually happens when I'm singing something rather embarrassing—someone walks by, hears me, and gives me one of those looks that vacillates between amusement and pity and horror. That's about the time I usually smile and then slink away; however, after it happened to me Saturday I kept passing the lady who gave me that look in each of the next three aisles

Thankfully, I finally lost her once I got to frozen foods.

So if I offended anyone at a local grocery store late Saturday morning, I do apologize. I was just singing along...even if it was to one of the last songs you think you'd hear while shopping.



Now, to allow YOU the chance to sing along...


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