Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday, 10/29

Yes, I was serious yesterday when I wrote about enjoying a dark chocolate bar with blackberries & sage. Don't believe me?

One, it's chocolate, so I wouldn't kid about that, and two, it's sage & blackberry, so I wouldn't kid about that either. But that got me to thinking, which we all know is a dangerous thing—what are some of the other interesting chocolate flavor combinations I've had recently?

Well, how about a dark chocolate, lime, & mint bar?

Despite loving all three of those ingredients, the bar really didn't do it for me. I mean, I know they were trying to recreate a mojito in a chocolate bar, but no. Just no.

This one was a little more successful--

It's a Lindt bar with blueberry and lavender filling encased in dark chocolate. Once again, it's a case of three flavors I love separately. Unlike the mojito bar, they actually all work together.

While I'm not a fan of white chocolate (which, if we're being honest here, isn't really "chocolate", as it's missing the chocolate liquor part of chocolate), I could eat one of these in three bites--

The mix of lemon & buttermilk is really out of this world, and you really don't notice that you're eating white “chocolate” instead of, you know, real chocolate.

Like Crunch bars but want to kick them up a notch? Try this--

Or this--

Crunch bars usually use puffed rice to supply the “crunch”, but using either quinoa or sesame seeds just adds a little extra kick to it.

Finally, ever think of mixing dark chocolate and dark beer? Nope; I hadn't either, until I tried one of these--

Kostritzer is Loraine's favorite German beer, and when we saw the chocolates we weren't quite sure the two would go together. But you know what? They really do, and I'm not really even that big of a fan of beer.

Okay (and here's sentence I never thought I'd write) that's enough about chocolate for now (and I didn't even mention perhaps my favorite chocolate of all time, the dark chocolate/pink grapefruit combo I've written about before). I hafta go look out the window and see if Mother Nature “graced” us with any snow last night. That's NOT a task to which I'm looking forward!

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