Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday, 10/4

Wow. I can't believe this is the sixth year of doing it already.

I don't have much time to write this morning, as I'm shortly due at Public TV 13 to tape the first shows of the year for “High School Bowl”. It's the 42nd year for the show, and the sixth with me as host, which is kind of unbelievable seeing as how it seems I just started doing it last month. But as we discover more and more, time doesn't seem to lie, so year six is now in the starting gate.

It's funny, because it seems like we just taped the championship game from last year last week. But nope; that was March 22nd, over half a year ago, and here we are, getting ready to start it all over again. The show we tape today airs November 2nd, although re-runs of last year's playoffs begin tomorrow night. And that, of course, means that I have to remember to do one thing—watch a few seconds of those shows to make sure that the ties I wear in the first few shows aren't ones I wore in the last few shows of last year. Sure, it might seem a little shallow and stupid, but as I've found, people actually pay attention to those things.

No, I'm not quite sure why, but they do. And that's why I keep track of what I wear on TV when, and that's why the list I keep throughout the season seems more and more invaluable, especially after doing this for six years.

So with that in mind, I'm off to make a fool out of myself, as usual. But at least I'll be wearing a tie viewers haven't seen recently. On that note, have yourself a great weekend!

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