Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday, 10/1

Okay. This really DOES have to stop soon.

You may recall a couple of days ago when I wrote about how...surreal my life seems to have been the past few months. About how I just had to find a few minutes to sit by myself and ponder everything. About how it just seems like all the stuff happening to me wasn't really happening, like it was the final episode of a long-running TV show where they just wanted to throw in every last idea they hadn't used in all the previous episodes.

And that was before the envelope arrived in the mail.

What was in the envelope, you ask? Well, I answer, it was a very nice letter informing me that during a luncheon next week I'm being given the Marquette Beautification and Restoration Committee's Barb Kelly Historic Preservation Award for, and I quote here, my “personal vision, contributions, and commitment for going the extra mile and adding a special dynamic that enhances our vibrant city”.

Yup. I apparently have a personal vision.


First of all, just let me say “thanks” to the committee for the honor. I appreciate it. It's always nice to be honored. But...are you sure you're giving the award to the right person? You sure you didn't get my name mixed up with someone, you know, important and actually deserving of it?

You sure?

All I do is walk around and babble about old buildings and railroads and hookers. I lead so many people around neighborhoods that traffic stops. I tell jokes about bars and the stupid things people did in them. Are you really sure that I should be getting that award? Really, really sure?

I don't wanna say that it's getting to this point, but it's almost getting to the point where I'm afraid to answer the phone or check the mailbox or head online, because who knows what I'll find when I do it. Someone will be saying something nice about me, or I'll be the subject of a profile, or I'll be given an award. Like I said, I appreciate it as much as the next person, but doesn't the next person deserve some of the exposure I've been given the past few months?

I'm really, really good at sharing. I'm more than willing to let someone else—anyone else—grab some of this spotlight. Honest. I am.

Oh well...it's just one of those times when things reach a critical mass and start to pile up on each other. I've had many instances of that in my life, and I'm sure there will be many more. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to sit back for more than two minutes at a time and reflect upon and absorb all the incredible things that seem to be happening.

I'm just guessing it won't be any day soon.

(jim@wmqt.com) who, despite my whining, is very one every thankful and lucky person.

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