Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday, 5/29

My life is weird.

I know I've been saying that a lot recently, but it really is true. Almost every week (if not more) something strange happens or some new opportunity presents itself or someone says something I never would have expected, and it makes me wonder (in a good way) just what exactly it was I did that turned my life weird.

Here's the latest example—late Monday afternoon I was walking through downtown Marquette on my way to my TV gig. As I was hoofing it down Washington a couple walking a dog passed me by, stopped, turned around, and shouted back at me--

“Thank you for being born, Jim Koski”.

My life is weird.

First of all, thank you, I guess. Second of all, I really had nothing to do with my birth; that's all on my parents. Third of all, I appreciate what they were saying. I mean, I'm rather uncomfortable being the recipient of such praise; after all, I'm just me. But I get what they were saying, especially after they explained that they believe I'm one of the people who makes Marquette such a special place. I personally don't think I've risen to that level, but that's a discussion for another day.

It's just...weird to walk down a street and have someone you don't know thank you for being around. I don't know how else to explain it.

In some regards, the past couple of years have been downright surreal. I'm not quite sure what the tipping point was, but there seems to have been some sort of strange critical mass reached wherein people now recognize me and the goofy things I do, which is strange, considering I've lived most of my adult life in the public eye. But ever since crossing that tipping point the surrealism of things has just exploded, leading to a situation like the one Monday afternoon, when someone thanked me for something I had nothing to do with.

I have no idea how or why or when, but in the past couple of years one thing has become abundantly clear--

My life is weird.


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