Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, 5/30

I wonder what I missed by not being around for the place's “glory years”?

The place to which I'm referring is what some people call “The Church of North Marquette”, the Palestra. The arena/social gathering place was around from the early 1920s to the early 1970s, and played a vital role in the lives of several generations of city residents. Heck, if it wasn't for the Palestra I wouldn't even be around, as that's the place my parents met.

And if you ever wanna see them disagree, just ask them which one first pursued the other.


I have but one memory of the Palestra, and that was being taken as a real little kid to a hockey game. I remember nothing about it other than the fact that I wore 47 layers of clothing, as the Palestra was not heated and it was the middle of winter. That's it. Everything else I know about the Palestra has come from other people, individuals who spent large chunks of their childhoods skating, going to hockey games, or meeting their future spouses.

So it's to those people that I dedicate this week's “Pieces of the Past”, the story of just oe of the many activities that took place at “The Church of North Marquette” over the decades. I may not personally remember the Palestra that much, but I do know that it played an outsized role for many.

Not the least of whom are the two people who spawned me.


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