Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday, 5/7

It looks like all systems are go.

With but one day left before we (hopefully) hop on a plane and blow this Popsicle stand, it looks as if everything I need to get done is either done or will be finished today. It's something upon which I always cast a wary eye; after all, I've been working ahead on certain things for almost three months now, and it would not be cool if something (a dead computer, a mental breakdown, and/or the like) got in the way of all that work.

But thankfully, it appears as if fate has once again cast a loving aura upon everything. So thanks, fate!

Here's what's going on. There won't be a blog here tomorrow or (probably) Thursday, and starting (probably) Friday afternoon (your time) I'll start posting on our trip blog. You can just keep coming back here to get to it; I'll make sure I leave a link right above this blog so all you need to do is click one extra time. Hopefully, it won't be too much. And if it is, you have my sincere apologies.

Really, you do.

As always, I plan on posting every day we're there, and based on past experience, I should have no problem. However, you never know if a new hotel we're staying at will have bad wi-fi, or if I'll have some kind of technical problem with the equipment I bring along, or if—like I've joking all along—we get stuck in the middle of somewhere because a flight's been canceled or the world's falling apart. It hasn't happened yet, and I hope it won't this time, but with the way the planet is these days I wanna put that out there just in case. I'm also hoping on send back radio reports on certain days, so you can listen for those, as well.

Well, I think that's it. The next time we speak I'll (hopefully) be a quarter of the world and (just as hopefully) munching on some really good chocolate.

See you then. And keep your fingers crossed. We're counting on every bit of luck possible!


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