Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday, 5/21

I think it’s just the speed of the turnaround that gets you the most.

I mean, one day you're waking up in Frankfurt, and then the next you’re staring at your office computer, wondering what you need to get done. It’s like there’s no transition, no time for a de-acceleration.

I guess you might call it cultural whiplash, if nothing else.

Anyway, that’s how I felt for a while yesterday morning upon returning to work. It was kind of surreal for a while; like I wasn’t supposed to be back here, or something. I forgot several things at home, several things I routinely bring with me without even thinking about it. I kept seeing big honking pickup trucks & SUVs instead of tiny Scodas and Smart Cars. And a couple of times when my coworkers gave me a piece of paper or something I needed, I thanked them in German without even thinking.

Needless to say, THAT got quite the reaction.

Some people have always expressed amazement that I go right back to work right after spending a week and a half on one of these European adventures, and I’ve always wondered why they were amazed. But after this sudden turnaround (I mean, we get into Marquette at 9 Sunday night, and 12 hours later, I’m at work) I guess I can kind of see where they’re coming from. But unfortunately, especially as you're staring at an upcoming holiday weekend, time (and radio) waits for no one.

So despite the cultural whiplash, onward we move!


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