Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, 5/28

There's a difference between the two. There's a HUGE difference between the two.

By the end of last week I was starting to get caught up on all of my stuff at work. This weekend also provided me the chance to make a huge dent in everything I needed to do at home. Both of those, however, were intense, and required some effort on my part. More than once in both instances I uttered a phrase that I usually do when plowing through things, a phrase that if nothing else allows me to vent a little, if only to myself.

That phrase? “I need a vacation”.

Normally, co-workers & friends will laugh if they hear me utter that phrase, although uttering it the past few days got me a few disbelieving looks and a phrase uttered back at me--”you were just on vacation”.

No, I was not on “vacation”. I was on a “trip”.

There IS a difference between the two. Vacations are when you sit on a beach or go on a hike; things that rejuvenate your body and your mind. A trip is when you spend hours in an airplane, then drive on foreign roads, and spend your time navigating through a land where your first language is only the second or third language of the area.

There's a huge difference between the two.

Don't get me wrong—I LOVE our trips. I'd do one every month, if I could. But they're not “vacations”, nor do I expect them to be. My “vacations” are those warm summer days we get around here when I skip out of work and go play in the sun. They're two different things. And I haven't had a “vacation” recently. I had a great trip, but I really could use a vacation some time soon.

Hopefully Mother Nature provides it. And hopefully she realizes there's a difference between a “trip” and a “vacation”.

Because that difference is quite a big one.


Before I leave, wanna see what I did with part of my holiday weekend?

Oh, c'mon. Did you expect anything different?



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