Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday, 5/22

They're here! They're here!!!

Despite the worries I had before we left for Germany that they might pop out before we got back, the greatest budding blossoms on the planet are making their annual return as we speak. I was wondering if the non-winter 'winter” might have had some sort of effect on when they came out, but appears not.

So now, for the next few days, we can sniff to our heart's delight. Kind of nice of them to wait for our upcoming three day weekend, isn't it?



The conditions for sniffing probably won't be perfect, as it's supposed to rain quite a bit today. Of course, whatever rain we DO get could in no way equal the rain that people who lived here in the late 1940s received one evening in just over an hour. In fact, that whole story is the basis of this week's “Pieces of the Past”--


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