Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday, 8/31

As we end the month (and end summer, as least as far as some of us are concerned) change is afoot.

I know some people dislike change because it moves them out of their comfort zone, and, truth be told, sometimes maybe (just maybe) I can be one of those people. But often change can be a good thing, as it allows you to try different things in different ways and maybe—just maybe—find more efficient ways of doing those things

I guess we'll find out soon.

As August and summer end and as September and fall begin I face a ton of changes, and while it'll be pure heck trying to get them all to work I'm hopeful that once everything is settled it'll be a change for the better. At work, our new owners are bringing in a new computer system, which means that the one I've been using for a quarter century goes bye-bye. I know the old system inside out, while I have no idea how the new one works. But hopefully the new one is a better system, without the quirks and (sometimes) cumbersome group things you have to do on a computer system that has its roots in the 1990s. Maybe it'll save me a little time each day, once I figure out how to use it.

That would be a good thing.

My new TV gig is rapidly approaching, as well. While I still can't say anything abut it yet, it is starting to gear up. In a week or two I'll be taking publicity photos for it (yes, me in a publicity photo, believe it or not), and then doing rehearsals to see if everything pans out like we hope and to just plain see if it works the way we want before it begins in early October.

Oh, and I still have to make that decision about hair color, too.


So between those, getting ready to go to Germany, doing a brand-new walking tour for the History Center, and gearing up for another season of “High School Bowl”, all in the next month, change is afoot. I may grumble about it in the upcoming few weeks, but I really do need to remind myself about one thing--

Once the change is complete, things will settle down. Really, they will...

He says hopefully.


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