Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday, 8/18

First of all, it worked last night. We were actually able to get the pop-up “Great Fire of 1868 Tour” taken care of after two cancellations. Yay!

Second of all, I have to return to the History Center for a meeting about next year's tours in a few minutes, so if you don't mind, here's an entry from a couple of years ago. It's funny, as well, because what I wrote about five years ago is, with one exception, still true.

Who knew??



Today, a weird restaurant story.

As we do once a month or so Loraine & I had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants last weekend, one of the “107 Things to Love About Marquette County”, Sol Azteca. The food is great, the people are great, the view is unparalleled, and we have a soft spot in our hearts for it, if only because Loraine & I were the restaurant's first ever paying customers.

No, seriously. We were. They took our picture and had us sign a dollar bill and everything.

Obviously, we've been there a lot. We've been there as a couple, we've been there with friends, we've been there with people from out of town. Basically, we've been there a lot. And in all the times we've eaten at Sol Azteca, and that's probably in the dozens, one weird thing has occurred.

Only once have we seen anyone we know there.

I'm not kidding. Between me and Loraine, we know a lot of people, especially if you count the nodding “hey, I know you from somewhere, right?” type of acquaintances you make if you're in the public eye. So it's not like we're hermits; we DO know a lot of people. Yet with the exception of the one time we ran into one of Loraine's co-workers, every time we've been in Sol Azteca, when we look around, every single face is unfamiliar.

Go figure.

And it's not just us. We've been there multiple times with my friend Deanna who, I swear, knows everyone who's ever lived in Marquette. Yet even she will look around and comment that she doesn't recognize a soul (excepting, of course, us). And if SHE has gone in there without seeing someone; well, then, I don't feel so bad.

But it's still weird.

Now that I've written about it, of course, we'll be bombarded with friendly faces the next time we're in there. And that's okay; much like all those weird little occurrences I keep writing about, it's just one of those strange things that only I notice. It doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things, and it's probably just been a very long string of coincidences, but the whole thing just strikes me as...strange. Especially because it's been, what, five or six years since the restaurant opened? I mean, what are the actual odds of that happening?

Never mind. Like I said, it's not that important. It's just one of those things. And who know—maybe the next time we're there we'll know every single person sitting around us.

Even if our history says that's not gonna happen.

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