Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thursday, 2/24

It's finally over.

Earlier this week, I had alluded to the fact that it was snowing a LOT up here, and I wasn't kidding. According to the National Weather Service in Negaunee, which is five miles inland and 700 feet higher in elevation than the city of Marquette, we received 37 inches of snow in just over 48 hours, and on Tuesday set an all-time record for a one day snow fall total during the month of February with 21.6 inches.

That's a lot of snow.

In fact, even here in the city we were the recipients of a dump. Don't believe me?

Before this all started the sidewalks outside the station were clear, and all the banks had been cut down. But since then? It looks like some Hollywood set designer had a snow-making machine go haywire.

Except, of course, it happened to us in real life and in real time.

I've spoken with people who've had to snow blow four times in the past two days. I've spoken with people who've had their snow blowers die because of the work they've been put through. And I can't count the number of schools and businesses that are just re-opening today after two or three days of being closed.

I'm kind of getting the idea that this one might have been one for the ages.

But like I said, it's all over now. There's nary a flake of snow in the forecast. Most of what we have should be removed from streets and sidewalks soon. And, on a personal note, I've been gifted with drifts galore over which I can snowshoe the next few days.

So if you want a positive way in which over a yard of snow falling in two days can have an impact, there you go.


(, looking forward to a day with no new snow falling.

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