Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday, 2/11

Today's a normal day. That will be very, very weird.

I usually have this Friday routine. I wake up, eat breakfast, jump in the shower, put on adult clothes, and go shoot a TV show. I've done it 17 or 18 of the last 20 Fridays, and it's a routine that I actually kind of like.

But not this Friday. In fact, not any Fridays for the next seven or so months.

I am, of course, talking about the routine I have for the Friday shoots of “High School Bowl”, the show we wrapped for the season last week. Because I was away from my usual job and usual responsibilities for those couple of hours, I always felt like I was playing hooky from reality one morning a week. Now, though, Fridays are just like every other day of the work week.

Oh well.

It's not like I don't have stuff to do with those few hours; in one way, you COULD say this is my dream of having a 25th hour of the day come true. So I'm not worried about filling the time. It's just...well, you know how a lot of people enjoy having an hour or two to themselves just to decompress, and to chill? Well, believe it or not, that's what those Fridays were like for me. Yeah; I know. Hosting a TV show is probably not most people's idea of decompressing or chilling out. But because I enjoy it, and because it's so far out of the norm, it DID allow me to decompress...or at least decompress from the rest of my world.

Yes, I know I'm weird. What's your point?

So until late September, I'll have to find a different way to use my Friday mornings to decompress. For instance, next Friday I'm taking the whole day off, so I guess that counts as a “decompress”, right? But for today, I'll be skipping down the path usually untrod, and seeing what it's like to work at just one job and one task for an entire Friday.

Wish me luck.


Finally, should you want to know about every single radio station in Marquette (and that's a LOT of them) check out this week's "Word on the Street".  Or, if you want just the good part, skip to the end.  They saved the best for last.



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