Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday, 1/6

I don't know what I'd do without the calendar on my wall.

Yesterday at work I performed one of my annual tasks, which was replacing the big giant calendar on my office wall. Why a big, giant calendar, you ask? Well, I answer. what with there being the three Jims I often joke about (Radio Jim, History Jim, and TV Jim) I find myself doing a lot of different, unrelated things, often at different, unrelated times. I might have to go from a TV shoot to work to a program or a tour, all in the course of a few hours, and what with me not being the most, well, organized person in the world, I have come to rely on the calendar to tell me where I have to be and when I have to be there.

I realize I'm decidedly old school in my approach to this; most people will just shove all the info into their phone and be done with it. But the big calendar on my wall covers all twelve months of the year at a glance. And since many of the things I have to do (or things for which I get “volunteered”) are weeks or months away, it's nice to have the whole year laid out at a glance without having to swipe from screen to screen, so if any conflicts pop up they're noted right away.

Did I ever think my life would get to the point where I'd come to depend upon looking at a calendar to see what I have coming up? Certainly not. And in my naivete I thought that once I started saying “no” to a few things that I'd have more time to do nothing at all. But you know that saying about nature abhorring a vacuum? Well, it's apparently true. I have no idea how it's true, but it is true. I now find myself busier than I've ever been, and trust me—those of you who've been reading this for a long time know I was kind of busy to start with.

I'm not complaining, mind you, I just find it...interesting. Very, very interesting.

For instance, my calendar tells me that for this week I have a haircut, several meetings for the upcoming Kaufman history show, that I need to write a newspaper article for that very same show, some Noquemanon stuff, the fact that I have to get up early (ugh) to record a couple of clients for a commercial, and—oh--a TV show Friday, and you can see why I kind of rely upon it.

(And just as an aside, who schedules a week like that right after the holidaze? I mean, what kind of sane person schedules a week like that right after the holidaze?)

Normally when I stick the calendars up I have a moment of joy when I get to block out a week and a half or two weeks for a little later summer getaway to another country. Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, I didn't get to do that. In fact, right now the month of September is, sadly, totally blank.

And that's one month that I really wouldn't mind being filled up...especially the first week or two. But sadly, that's not gonna happen any time soon.

Now, if I could only figure out how to move some stuff from this week and next to those open weeks in September we'd be all set.



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