Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday, 1/13

I think I know what my problem is.

Right now, you may be reflexively muttering to yourself “Jim, you have more than one problem”. Heck; I'M reflexively muttering “Jim, you have more than one problem”. But I think I've figured out how I lost and then gained that week about which I was writing yesterday. It wasn't my fault.

It was Blursday's fault.

Blursday is a concept Loraine has come up with in the past two years, and I think Her Majesty is on to something right here. Since all this Covid madness descended upon us everything has become one big giant blur. Because, as I wrote about earlier this week, our routines have been disrupted and the way we live our lives changed (and not always for the better), sometimes we have no idea if we're coming and or we're going. We're not totally aware of what day of the week it is, what week of the month it is, or, sometimes, even what month of the year it is.

Everything goes by in a blur, which means that every day is Blursday.

After thinking it over I believe Loraine's on to something here. Every person has been affected differently by the insanity and the non-stop assault on our senses of the past 22 months (and counting). For some people, that meant spending weeks at home without stepping our their front door or working from their living room. For me (actually, for the three different “me”s), having things being constantly on the go and constantly changing means that I seem to have lost all track of time. I mean, I can't even believe it's been 22 months since this all started. I'm still working through a list of things to take care of that I put together when this all started in March of 2020, and I can't believe it's been sitting around for 22 months (and counting) without getting completed.

All that time has just been a blur.

So if things seem to you to be just a bit out of phase or out of sync these days, or if you're wondering where the past two years have gone, don't worry. You're not alone. It's been happening to the best of us.  And it's been happening to me, as well.

Just blame it all on Blursday.


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