Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday, 1/14

I forgot just how much I've missed the show.

I know watching “The Amazing Race” isn't probably on the top of your to-do list, but for the past 15 or so years it's been one of my favorite shows, perhaps even the only one I go out of my way to watch live when it airs. The competitive part of the show is good, but what does it for me is the travel aspect of it, whether they're in places I've been, places I'd like to go, or places I'll probably never get to.

It's like being able to head around the world without having to deal with the hassle of airports, reservations, and lost luggage..

The season that's currently airing is a strange one. They started shooting it in February of 2020, and then had to suspend production after the third leg in Scotland because, well, it was 2020. That's what they dealt with at the end of this week's episode. They told the racers what was going on, told them they were sending them home, and said they hoped they would see them “soon”. The screen then faded to black for a few seconds, and after a few seconds the words “19 months later” appeared on the screen, and against a sunny Swiss backdrop they teased next week's episode, where they'll pick up where they left off.

I have to admit I got a little emotional watching it, not only because of the dramatic way in which they segued from the Before Times to today, but also just because they were able to actually travel and produce the show again. I have no idea if the show will be the same or if they'll have Covid protocols in place—they'll address that next week—but just to see another country, especially in the bright sunshine, really got to me.

And I really didn't expect that.

Adding 19 months to February of 2020 means they picked up shooting it this past September, when Delta was starting to recede and before Omicron reared its ugly (and fast-spreading) head. That was the brief window of time when Loraine and I were able to start dreaming a little again, and maybe hope that we ourselves might get back to Europe, perhaps even this Spring. Of course, those dreams are shattered now, but just to know that someone—anyone--was able to do what we weren't able to got to me when I watched the last few second of the show Wednesday night.


I look forward to seeing the rest of the show this season, especially how they've adapted it for these screwy days. I also look forward to the day when I don't necessarily have to live vicariously through a TV show, a day when I actually do it myself. I have a feeling that that day is farther rather than closer, but hopefully it will arrive.

And if I got emotional watching a TV show, imagine what I'll be like when I actually get to do it myself.

Have a great weekend!


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