Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thursday, 9/9

 Yesterday I wore pants for the first time in two months.

You know, if I were cruel, I'd write that line and say “goodbye”. I'd leave you to wonder if I'd had gone off my rocker, joined a cult, or became a member of the German FFK movement. That's what I'd do if I were cruel.

But I'm not.

Yesterday I did indeed wear actual pants for the first time in two months (well, two months and two days, to be specific). But it's not like I've been wandering around in my underwear or anything. Since July 6th, the day it was raining and in the 50s, I've been wearing my clothing of choice—shorts. It's been shorts weather for those two months (and two days) and since I didn't have a need to wear pants I didn't.

But that all changed yesterday.

Yesterday, it was chilly & rainy in Marquette. Yesterday, I actually had another show with my pal Jack, this one a fund-raiser for the History Center. So yesterday, I bowed to reality and wore pants for the first time in two months (and two days).

I'm happy to report I survived with a minimum amount of damage.

I didn't intend to not wear pants for over two months. It's just one of those things that spontaneously occurred. I then noticed it, and, like my streak of wearing shorts while running for thirty-some months in a row, I just rode the wave. I probably should have worn pants once or twice during that span, if only to be an adult, but as we both know, when was the last time I was accused of being an adult?


But now that it's getting colder and wetter out I'm sure I'll be wearing pants much more often. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if I ended up wearing them every day because that's what adults do, especially as we head into October and November and have to deal with pesky things like snow and freezing temperatures.

But while it lasted, those two months (and two days) were glorious.


(ps—I know I promised you a mental exercise today. Here's my word—as an avid wearer of shorts—that that's on the way tomorrow!)

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