Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday, 5/4

 Of course I was being serious. You didn't think I could make something like that up, did you?

Yesterday, when writing about missing World Naked Gardening Day, I mentioned some of the strange e-mail I get on a daily basis. One of those things I mentioned was how a PR firm in Italy sends me several press releases each and every day for stuff happening in Milan and other nearby cities. As I said, I have no idea how I got on the list or what I'm supposed to do with the releases, but I still get them.

Well, semi-daily blog reader Becky of Marquette thought that sounded like something my strange mind might make up for a gag. And while I will admit that yes, it IS absurd enough to pop out of my brain, this time it wasn't. Becky, I was totally serious. I DO receive several press releases from an Italian PR firm every day.

Want proof?

That is a screen shot of one of yesterday's releases, apparently for an art festival in Milan (or Milano, depending upon which language you're using). I'd love to be able to go see it; now that the EU's beginning to talk about letting vaccinated Americans visit again, and maybe someday I will. But for now I can't, and I have to be content checking it out through one of the weirdest sets of press releases for which I never signed up.

It's a mystery.

So there you go Becky. Despite the fact that it IS absurd and it does sound like something that might have come out of my warped brain, it didn't.  It's an actual thing. And even as we're entering the 17th month of the strangest year in history, it goes to show that the real world is a far stranger place than we could ever imagine.

And when you consider an imagination like mine, that's really saying something!!


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