Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday, 5/10

 It looks like my parents won the race.

As you may recall, our very warm early April had lilac buds popping out, making me wonder if they would burst forth before my parents arrived back home from their yearly escape from the snow. Well, they didn't. My parents arrived home safely Friday, ironically in a snowstorm, while this is what the lilacs looked like yesterday--

I personally don't think they've grown much in the past, oh, two weeks, so I now have no idea when they'll actually burst forth.

By Memorial Day, maybe?


In another “as you may recall” moment, you may recall that Loraine & I are heading down to Savannah in early August as a way of dipping our toes into the water of travel after more than a year of being stuck home. Well, this weekend also brought forth the news that Germany—one of our favored European landing spots—will be opening later this year for vaccinated travelers. And since we've both been on a double date with Moderna, that includes us.


Now, we won't be going any time soon. But, we are rolling around in the back of our mind about maybe, just maybe, heading back to Leipzig for another soccer match next spring (assuming, of course, they're allowing fans in the stands AND we can get tickets). Two reasons for that—one is that it's just a plane and train trip, which means that we don't have to worry about the world-wide shortage of rental cars. Two? The team just re-signed our two favorite players (Willi Orban for Loraine, Emil Forsberg for me), so we'll know they'll still be playing.

Like I said, it's a thought. I have no idea if it'll work out. But for the first time in a looooooong time, it's a thought we can actually think. And that's a good thing!


PS—I have tomorrow off so I can do a few things with Loraine, so there won't be one of these. Back on Wednesday!)

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