Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday, 5/27

If you see two pieces of bread lying around they're probably mine.

In yet another entry of our ongoing “Jim is an Idiot” program I brought part of my lunch to work yesterday. I had some leftover turkey already at the station, and in order to make one of my favorite sandwiches ever—turkey--all I needed was the bread. When I woke up yesterday morning I stuck the two slices of whole wheat in a sandwich bag, threw them into my back pack, and then took the bag out when I got to work so the bread would be ready to eat when the time came.

That was the last I saw of it..

I then spent waaaaay too much time I didn't have searching for the bread, to no avail. I retraced every place in the station I had been, and didn't find the bread. I tore every single thing out of my back pack, and didn't find it. I even went outside and asked my co-workers, the seagulls, if they took my bread, but to no avail.

So I went home, got more bread, and finally ate my lunch. But I still have no idea where the original bread went.

This is weird, and, perhaps, just a little bit unnerving. I had a sandwich bag with two pieces of bread when I walked into the station yesterday. I know that because I took the bag out of my backpack. But where the bread went after that...I'm at a loss. It has to be somewhere—things just don't disappear—but I have no idea where. Did I knock it down somewhere between the cracks and just not notice? Did I accidentally drag it somewhere, not to be found until it turns moldy and starts to stink up the joint? Did the tap dancers practicing above my office shake the place so much that the bread just disintegrated?

I have no idea. I just know that a sandwich bag containing two pieces of whole wheat bread is missing, and where it went I haven't a clue. So if you happen to come across that bag, you know to whom it belongs.


(, an idiot.

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