Monday, April 5, 2021

Monday, 4/5

 Really? I need to tell the story yet again?

One day last week (Tuesday, maybe?) I wrote a blog about how I don't like black jellybeans, and happened to mention in it how, even though they're horrid (and they ARE), at least they don't make me throw up like bananas do. And that prompted a few of you to ask about WHY bananas make me throw up. Even though I've told the story before, I guess it has been awhile, so here's the deal for everyone who's just started reading these--

When I was somewhere around the neighborhood of two years old, I, like many kids, developed this strange eating habit. For days on end, I would eat nothing but bananas and milk. Bananas and milk for breakfast, bananas and milk for lunch, bananas and milk for dinner and, if I had a snack, I’m sure it was bananas and milk. According to the tale, my mom tried feeding me other foods but I, at the time, would not eat them. It was bananas and milk or nothing.

Knowing kids go through food cycles, my mom gave me bananas and milk. After all, they’re both good for growing kids, and I seemed happy eating them. Well, after a week or so of eating nothing but bananas and milk, I caught some kind of bug. It wasn’t related to my diet or anything; it was just one of those bugs kids catch. But it was bad enough that one day, after eating my usual meal of bananas and milk, I got sick. Really sick.

And I spewed my bananas and milk all over the kitchen.

Now, I know you’re thinking to yourself—WHY did you do that to your mom? Especially when she was pregnant with you for 10 months (another story in and of itself). This is how you repay her for all that? And I, hanging my head somewhat in shame, say, uh, “yeah”. But in my defense, I WAS only two at the time. And I haven’t spewed bananas and milk around a kitchen since; in fact, I haven’t eaten a banana since that fateful day. I actually get a little nauseous, even today, at the smell and taste of that particular kind of fruit.

That's the banana story. And that's just one of the ways in which I was a special child, and yet, my Mom still seems to like me. So with that in mind, let’s all collectively wish my mom a happy birthday today. After everything that she’s been put through (and that's just from me; that's not even mentioning my sister and brother), I have a feeling she deserves it.

Happy birthday, Mom!!!



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