Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday, 9/24

I am sometimes stunned by the amount of food I bring to work with me on Mondays.

I'm sitting here looking at the stack right now, and it seems to me that the food I have packed up to take to work with me could feed a small nation. And yet it'll just be my lunch, snacks, and things to nibble on during one typical week. What do I have?

2 bags of salmon
4 apples
An orange
A head of broccoli
A bag of walnuts
A container of honey
3 cups of yogurt
A container of cottage cheese
Sliced turkey
Some leftover lentil beans
Part of a loaf of bread
A can of black beans
2 bottles of protein drink
One bottle of pomegranate juice
A box of green tea
2 chocolate bars.

See? That IS more like enough to feed a small nation, as opposed to one average person for one week. And it's pretty much what I carry with me (swapping out things here and there) each and every week so I can stay fed while working.

The mind boggles.

Now, one of the reasons I carry so much food with me is that most of the food I've listed is somewhat low in calories. I'm sure I could save a lot of time gathering and hauling the food around if I were to just purchase a one gallon tub of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, but I have a feeling I wouldn't get quite the nutritional value from it as I would get from the beans and the turkey and the broccoli. Besides, as much as I LOVE Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream (and I do love it a lot) I have a feeling that if I ate it twice a day five days a week that I probably wouldn't like it quite so much.

And my weight would probably reflect that, too.

So if you happen to see me lugging several large bags down the street this morning, don't worry. I'm not carrying anything out of the ordinary. It's just my lunch. Unless, of course, you consider the above list of foods as “out of the ordinary”!

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