Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday, 5/9

I’ve given some serious thought recently to waxing my legs.

Oh, laugh you may, but the thoughts have indeed been serious. Because of the ever-lingering cold weather, I haven’t been able to wear shorts much yet (which I try to do every day it’s over, say, 32 degrees). Since I’m not wearing shorts, my pants stay on. And since one usually wears socks with pants; well, let’s just say that the fur on my legs gets awfully itchy by the time my day is done and my socks get removed. Loraine laughs at me on a nightly basis as I sit on the bed and scratch my legs, which leads me to think that, if only to stop both her laughing and the itching, I should get rid of the hair on my legs.

Right now, I imagine every woman reading this is chuckling hysterically. After all, guys have it SOOOOO much easier than women when it comes to the physical maintenance part of being an adult; I know some men who just sniff their pits and, if they don’t pass out, think they’re set for the day. Women, however, endure the application of makeup, the fixing the hair on the head, the removal of hair on the rest of their body, and so much more. It’s not fair, but that’s the way it is.

Now, because the majority of my friends are women, and because some of them treat me as a close girlfriend, I’ve been subjected to horror stories regarding hair removal, and I know that I’m WAAAAAY too wimpy to have hot wax poured on my legs, much less then endure the pain of having the fur on my legs ripped off. I mean, maybe my calves and shins; I scrape those up enough exercising so that I’m thinking they’re toughened up a bit. But my thighs?


I have a low pain threshold as it is, and I can’t imagine what THAT particular ripping process feels like, especially as you get further up the thigh. That’s tender skin up there!

Well, now that I’ve written this and made myself all squeamish, I guess I’m just gonna have to keep scratching every night. Well, that, and hope the weather gets and stays warmer soon so I can start wearing nothing but shorts for four or five months. After all, that hasta happen sometime soon. . .


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