Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday, 6/10

They're here! They're here! They're here!!!!!

And I will spare you any further mention of that particular subject, as I know you're nowhere near as obsessed with them as am I.

That's okay. You can thank me later.


Other than that, I enjoyed the first semi-summer weekend of the season as much as anyone could. While not both days were perfect (although Saturday came darned near close), I was still able to get out and enjoy every single second of it (at least, every single second when it wasn't raining and/or having temperatures fall 20 degrees in 2 hours). It's weird; I don't know about you, but I seem to have “summer” routine and a “winter” routine. The “summer” routine actually takes up a lot more time, mostly because I'm playing outside, but I always seem more refreshed on a Sunday night than I do after a weekend of “winter”, when I (occasionally) have time to lie around and do nothing.

There's just something about not being confined to an apartment, to be able to go do what I want when I want. It's kind of amazing. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I also had a visitor at work Friday--

You remember Matt Sia, right? The young man who wrote and recorded the song “Marquette, Mi”? Well, he was back in Marquette for the weekend, and stopped to say “hey”, where we both marveled at how it's been 12 years since the song came out and both also marveled as to how we're STILL getting multiple requests for it each and every week.

It just shows the power of a heart-felt piece of art, I guess, especially one that just about everyone who's ever lived here can relate to.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who took a few seconds to vote over the past week on which picture I should turn into the desktop picture on my notebook computer. Since I promised I wasn't going to write about a certain flower any more, I'll just show you the winner without comment--

By the way, have I mentioned that this is, thanks to my travels, the third straight month where I've been able to sniff lilacs? Have I?


Well, I should get going and jump in the shower.  The city will be turning off the water to everyone on our street in a few minutes, and I don't want to get caught in the middle of that with a head full of shampoo, do I?

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