Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday, 6/14

Wanna know a deep, dark secret about me? I haven’t been to the beach once yet this year.

Shocking, isn’t it? I mean, here I am, someone who’s dream job would be as a beach bum, and I have yet to set one foot on a beach in 2019. I’ve been walking near a beach, and I’ve gazed lovingly upon a beach from a short distance away, but I haven’t yet been on an actual beach this year. Of course, seeing as how we've only had three beach days, as far as the weather goes this year, I'm not surprised.

But still.

Walking on a beach is one of the things to which I look forward every summer, and it’s one of the things I try to accomplish with a steady frequency. I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about walking along a beach, feeling the warm sand between your toes and listening to the water gently lapping up on the shore, that makes me relaxed, and gets rid of any cares I might have about the world. The calm that washes over me on a beach is amazing; While I have practiced meditation in the past, I've never received a more Zen-like feeling than the one I get by walking on a beach.

Like I mentioned, there have only been three beach days (or days above 75) this year so far. I was downstate for one, I was working for the second (and as surprised as everyone else when it actually occurred), and the third was this past Saturday, when it seems like every single person in Marquette headed to the closest beach. While walking past McCarty’s Cove on Saturday did a quick guess-timate, and if my math was correct (which is always a very iffy proposition) there were over 2,000 people there. Now, they were all enjoying themselves, and that’s great. I hope they had a fantastic time while they were there. But when I go to the beach, I like to go there early in the morning, before hordes of people show up, when I can zone out without dealing with crying kids, loud jet-skis, and the dogs that aren’t legally supposed to be on the beach in the first place. I usually accomplish this by going there on one of my legendary summer half-days, but you know what?

I haven’t taken one of my legendary summer half-days yet this year. Between the weekday weather not cooperating, my workload, and all my other commitments, I just haven’t had the chance yet.

I’m not worried; I’m sure I’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so as the summer wears on. At least, I'm hoping we'll have plenty of opportunities as summer wears on. All we need, now, is for summer to actually show up, and we'll be all set.

Odds on that, currently, are running about 50-50.

On that note, have yourself a great weekend. Sure, it won't be beach weather, but at least it won't be snowing out. Right?


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