Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday, 11/6

Assuming you're one of the people who reads these on a daily basis (and not one of the many binge-readers we have each weekend), may I ask you a question--

Have you voted yet? You ARE planning on voting today, right?

I'm actually writing this really early this morning, much earlier than a normal person would even think about waking up (7 am...and don't give me grief about 7 am being early. It is.). I'm doing so so I can hop a ride with my dear wife down to the YMCA in Marquette, where we're not planning on hanging out with all the boys but are instead planning on standing in whatever line there is and casting our ballot for this election.

However, I would not be surprised, in any way, if the song “YMCA” sticks in my head the rest of the day.

I always implore people to make sure they get out and cast their vote. Democracy only works if people get out and make their opinions known, and the more people who vote, the batter. It's simple science—if you have a bigger sample size, you get more accurate results. If only one type of person votes, we get a government by and for that one type. To get a country in which we can all live, we need everyone to vote. Young people, don't let old people decide what your future holds. Women, don't let men elect representatives who tell you what you can or can not do. And vice versa.

Get out and make sure that YOUR voice and YOUR views are heard. Like millions of people have said for decades, if you don't vote you can't complain. Don't like the way things are going? Make your voice heard. Think things are on the right track? Make your voice heard.

Remember—you can't spell “apathetic” without the word “pathetic”. So get off your keister today and vote.

With that, I hafta hop in the car and go do so myself. Make sure that you're like the rest of the cool kids and do so as well!



(10:08 am--an update:


  1. I definitely voted Jim. It's our civic duty. Besides, one day we may vote in someone who wants to make weather modification possible so we don't have to deal with snow anymore. :)
