Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday, 11/15

I suppose that's one way to get my attention!

I received a piece of mail yesterday, a piece of mail that made my coworkers either laugh out loud or walk around shaking their heads in disbelief. I know who sent it; I know that the way it was addressed means nothing except as a joke (and way of buttering me up to help them out with something I'm always glad to help with), but still, it was neat.

Who wouldn't want a piece of mail addressed to them this way?

I know; you're probably laughing along with my co-workers right now. I am, too. But still...who wouldn't want their day made by having someone address them this way? Seriously—even if you're in the worst mood of all time, or are just staring at your office wall dreading the next eight hours of your life, a piece of mail like that will make your day.

The fact that it arrived yesterday, one of the rare recent sunny days in Marquette, made it even better.

I would probably be the last person on Earth to attach the word “Great” to my name. After all, I have to life with myself each and every day, and I know just how lacking in greatness I can be. Mediocre? Sure? Slightly below or on the rare occasion approaching average? No problem. But I know I'll never, ever have a shot at greatness. I'm okay with that. After all, I try to live a life grounded in reality, and I know what I know, especially about myself. That's why it's nice that someone wrote that on an envelope, even as a joke.

Think of it as a participation trophy for life.

So thanks, Liz, for the mail. I appreciate the sentiment, and like my coworkers got a laugh out of it. And I'd be happy to help you out no matter how you addressed the envelope.

Even if it was addressed to “The Mediocre Jim Koski”.


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