Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, 5/16

Until someone pointed it out I had never noticed the resemblance. But now that someone HAS pointed it out, I can't stop seeing it.

I went out and took a few pictures when the sun was out Sunday and posted one of them on Facebook. It was this one of the Father Marquette Statue in Lakeside Park--

Then one of the people who left a comment on it blew my mind when she said, and I quote, “Is it just me, or does that look like Darth Vader?”. And you know what? It does!

Scroll back up a few clicks, take a look, and tell me that, at least in that shot, that our city's namesake does NOT look like Darth Vader. See? You can't, can you? It DOES look like Darth Vader. And if you're like me, now every time you see the statue you'll hear a phrase like, “Marquette, I am your fah-tha” in your head.

Weird, huh?

Wanna see a few more pics? Of course you do, especially if they're of daffodils...

Lilacs that are creeping ever closer to blooming...

Or a few examples of the campaign signs turned tributes to John Kivela that are still up--

And, finally, you can decide amongst yourselves—are dandelions really weeds if they look this pretty?

I don't think so, but that's just me.  And most probably Darth Vader...er, Father Marquette.

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