Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday, 10/8

I forgot to tell you, didn't I?

A week or so ago, it's been brought to my attention, I promised to fill you in on the latest example of how I have an inability to say no. It's the latest example of why my life's insane, and also proof positive that, literally, I'll sleep when I'm dead.

I'm writing, producing, and hosting a half half TV show on the founding of Marquette. So, you know, no big deal.

I've written in here about how this is Marquette's 175th birthday, and back in June some of my colleagues over at TV 19 approached me to see if I had any interest in helping them put together a birthday show. Things happened here, more things happened there, and I now find myself knee deep into actually putting the program together.

Have I ever mentioned my life is weird?

Due to staff changes and other factors my involvement in the show is actually quite greater than when we first discussed it. That's okay; after all, I can write, produce, and star in TV shows about local history in my sleep. But to put a show like this together, and to put it together well, takes time. And, as we all know, I'm not going to do a half-sassed job. So over the past month we've been shooting interviews and stand-ups; I've gathered pictures and recorded voice-overs. But there's still a lot left to go, and between my radio duties, my weekly TV 19 gig, the starting up of “High School Bowl” for the season, and, I dunno, the need to eat & sleep, things might be a little hectic for a bit.

So, sadly, not that all different than usual.

The final product will air several times, the first being November 10th. More details on that as we get closer to the date, but between now and then if you happen to see me on the street and I look someone insane—or, perhaps, even more insane than usual—now you know why.


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